Thursday, June 13, 2013

Coffee Time? Or Living Off of Coffee

I am living off of coffee and stress.  It really is amazing how much one can get done on those two things.  We are really moving in two days.  Two whole days.  I am piling the kids in the car with my friend Mary and following my husband and our friend Richard in a moving truck down to Boise Idaho.

I have downloaded episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants on my Son's iPhone.  I have made sure we have car chargers and cords for all of our electronics for the road trip.  Music playlists are being made for the drive also.  Still I know my kids will get board.  So I am putting together, books, crayons, and other little toys for them.

I am hoping we get some good sleep before we tackle this drive.  We have been packing up our home and it is about DONE!  This is a huge relief.

Nothing else has gone smoothly.  The movers had the wrong date to show up to load up the truck and finish packing anything left.  Our truck isn't going to be in our town for us to pick up.  Heck it isn't even going to be in our state! We have a 45 minute drive to go and pick up the stupid thing!!!  So tomorrow morning we are driving out and getting the moving truck with our friends, while our kids are being watched.  This does NOT thrill any of us one bit.

Since I do have to be up early to make this trip to pick up the moving truck I am going to hustle my hiney into bed and hopefully sleep.  I think the benedryl is kicking in.  I forgot I even took some.  My allergies are so intense with the pollen so bad right now.  I have had a couple of asthma attacks and that is worrisome.

Anyways, TTFN and enjoy your coffee!